At Least 90 Dead, 50 Injured in Nigeria Petrol Tanker Explosion

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The police reported that the tanker driver lost control of the vehicle near Khadija University, resulting in an explosion.

On Tuesday, a tragic petrol tanker explosion in Majiya, located in the Taura Local Government Area of Jigawa, resulted in the confirmation of no fewer than 90 fatalities. This information was relayed by Shi’isu Adam, the police spokesman in Jigawa, during an interview on Wednesday.

In addition to the confirmed deaths, Adam reported that 50 individuals have been hospitalized due to varying degrees of injuries sustained from the explosion.

The incident occurred around 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday in Majiya town when the tanker driver lost control of the vehicle near Khadija University, leading to the explosion. According to Adam, the driver had departed from Kano and was en route to Nguru in Yobe when the accident took place.

Adam expressed concern regarding the behavior of individuals who, despite police warnings to avoid gathering near accident scenes involving fuel tankers, still chose to congregate around the site. He noted that this tendency contributed significantly to the high number of casualties.

The spokesperson announced that a mass burial for the victims is scheduled to take place at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Furthermore, he indicated that the injured individuals are currently receiving medical treatment at Ringim General Hospital.