Iran Executes Two More Men Detained Over Nationwide Protests

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The executions were carried out on Saturday as Iran continues to punish those it accuses of violence during anti-government demonstrations.

Iran said it executed two men on Saturday convicted of allegedly killing a paramilitary volunteer during a demonstration, the latest executions aimed at halting the nationwide protests now challenging the country’s theocracy.

Iran’s judiciary identified those executed as Mohammad Karami and Mohammad Hosseini, making it four men known to have been executed since the demonstrations began in September over the death of Mahsa Amini.

The judiciary’s Mizan news agency said the men had been convicted of killing Ruhollah Ajamian, a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s volunteer Basij Force, in the city of Karaj outside of Tehran on Nov. 3. 

The Basij have deployed in major cities, attacking and detaining protesters, who in many cases have fought back.

It wasn’t immediately clear which court heard the two men’s cases. However, Iran’s internationally criticized closed-door Revolutionary Courts have handed down two of the death sentences.

Activists say at least 16 people have been sentenced to death in closed-door hearings over charges linked to the protests. Death sentences in Iran are typically carried out by hanging.

At least 517 protesters have been killed and over 19,200 people have been arrested, according to Human Rights Activists in Iran.