Bus Crash in Northeastern Egypt Kills 12 University Students

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A bus carrying university students in northeastern Egypt crashed, resulting in 12 fatalities and 33 injuries. The students were returning to their dormitory when the accident occurred. The driver has been arrested, and the cause of the crash is under investigation. Road accidents are common in Egypt due to poor conditions and enforcement.

A bus carrying university students in northeastern Egypt has been involved in a tragic accident, resulting in the deaths of 12 individuals and injuries to 33 others, as reported by the country’s health ministry.

Local media sources indicate that the students were returning to their dormitory after attending classes when the incident occurred. Emergency services quickly dispatched a number of ambulances to the scene to transport the injured to nearby hospitals; however, the ministry has not provided additional information regarding the condition of those who were hurt.

While the exact cause of the crash remains unclear, authorities have arrested the bus driver as part of an ongoing investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar, the Minister of Health, along with Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education, have expressed their condolences to the families of the affected students.

Unfortunately, such accidents are not rare in Egypt. Each year, road traffic incidents claim thousands of lives across the nation, primarily due to factors such as poor road conditions, excessive speed, and inadequate enforcement of traffic regulations.