Beninese Anti-French Activist Kémi Séba Arrested in Paris

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Séba is one of the prominent critics denouncing France's substantial influence in French-speaking West African nations.

Kémi Séba, a prominent Beninese activist, has been arrested by French police in Paris, as reported by various media outlets.

The arrest occurred on Monday while Séba was dining at a restaurant with a colleague. He is recognized as a critical voice against France's significant influence in French-speaking West African nations.

At this time, it is unclear why Séba traveled to France, and there have been no official statements regarding his arrest.

Recently, Séba was appointed as an advisor to Niger's leader, General Abdourahamane Tiani, who came to power following a military coup in July 2023 that ousted President Mohamed Bazoum. Since then, Niger has cut diplomatic ties with Western countries and has mandated the withdrawal of French, American, and German military forces from the nation.

Seba entered France using his Nigerien diplomatic passport, which attracted the attention of authorities, leading to his police custody, as reported by the media.

As the founder of the campaign group Urgences Panafricanistes, Séba has actively participated in anti-French protests, including an act where he burned a CFA franc note, which is a currency associated with France's colonial past in several former African colonies. He has argued that the CFA franc is a remnant of French colonialism.

Although Séba previously held a French passport, he reportedly tore it up last year, and his French nationality was subsequently revoked. His protests have garnered significant support, particularly among the youth in West Africa.