US Moves to Ban Chinese and Russian Technology in Autonomous Vehicles

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The US Department of Commerce has stated that Chinese and Russian technology used in autonomous vehicles poses a threat to national security. In response, China accused the US of engaging in "discriminatory actions."

The United States is set to ban autonomous vehicles that utilize technology from China or Russia, as announced by the Commerce Department on Monday. This decision comes in the context of growing competition between the US and Chinese automotive sectors, but officials have emphasized that the ban is primarily a security measure.

US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo stated, "This is not about trade or economic advantage. This is a strictly national security action. The good news is right now, we don't have many Chinese or Russian cars on our road."

The proposed ban will not only affect imports but will also extend to vehicles produced in the US that incorporate Chinese or Russian technology, encompassing both the software and hardware that connect autonomous vehicles to external networks. Reports indicate that the software ban could take effect as soon as 2027, while the hardware ban may be delayed until 2029 to allow American supply chains time to eliminate reliance on Chinese technology.

Raimondo highlighted the potential risks, saying, "Cars today have cameras, microphones, GPS tracking, and other technologies connected to the internet. It doesn't take much imagination to understand how a foreign adversary with access to this information could pose a serious risk to both our national security and the privacy of US citizens."

The Biden administration has been engaged in a significant tariff conflict with China, particularly concerning electric vehicles, which have often been a contentious issue. In response to media speculation about the impending ban, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized the US, stating, "China opposes the US's broadening of the concept of national security and the discriminatory actions taken against Chinese companies and products."