EXCLUSIVE: Coronation Street's Toyah Faces Danger as She Uncovers 'Dodgy' Truth About Rowan

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Coronation Street star Georgia Taylor has teased that her character, Toyah Battersby, could be in trouble as she once again takes on villain Rowan Cunliffe. The actress revealed to The Mirror that Toyah will uncover the truth about Rowan Cunliffe's dark past on the ITV soap.

Viewers are aware that Toyah has been eager to expose Rowan and his questionable 'self-improvement' institute for weeks. Ever since Rowan ensnared her sister Leanne Battersby, she's been determined to reveal him and the organisation as a fraud.

However, her recent affair with Leanne's husband Nick Tilsley led to Rowan blackmailing her, coercing her into signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to keep silent about the institute. Despite this, Toyah continues to investigate him and soon she finally discovers what she's been searching for.

Speaking exclusively to The Mirror, actress Georgia revealed her character will uncover information about Rowan's past that provides the evidence she needs. But as she continues to confront him and the group, Toyah could be in serious danger.

Georgia disclosed Toyah's shocking find: "She actually uncovers some details about his background that further vindicates her because, as we suspected all along, he's truly dubious! So she will eventually uncover some crucial information. We've been filming scenes where she's digging deeper, and although she hasn't found anything yet, she will."

The actress admitted her character might face real peril in upcoming episodes, especially as she plans to infiltrate the institute. Toyah will pretend to be interested in joining the organisation after a change of heart, but her true motive is to gather evidence against them.

Georgia explained: "I think she could be in danger. She's so determined to bring them down and rescue her sister that it might cloud her judgment a bit.

"We've seen the institute blackmail her and Nick, and force her to sign an NDA. Yet, she's still determined to fight them. We'll witness her attempt to infiltrate them and pretend to be more open-minded.

"We'll see her attend an event with Leanne, pretending she's had a change of heart when in reality, she's seeking more information." Whether Toyah will be the one to expose Rowan remains uncertain!