Second diphtheria case detected in New south wales

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Unvaccinated two-year-old and six-year-old from northern NSW diagnosed with potentially deadly bacterial infection

The second case of diphtheria has been detected in northern New South Wales in a six-year-old child, the North Coast Public Health Unit has confirmed.

The child is a close family contact of the initial case reported today in a toddler, which was the first in a century.

The second case was not vaccinated against diphtheria and is currently being cared for at a Northern NSW Local Health District hospital, where they were admitted as a precaution.

The children’s close contacts have received post-exposure prophylaxis, which can

include antibiotics and immunization, to reduce the risk of transmission.

Diphtheria is a contagious, vaccine-preventable disease that is spread mainly through respiratory droplets during close contact.

Dr. Paul Douglas, the director of North Coast Public Health, said the risk to the broader community is low.

However, this is a very serious disease and can be fatal, so families should be alert and review the immunization status of their children on the Australian Immunisation Register or with their medical provider, to ensure they are updated with all vaccinations.

Diphtheria is very rare in Australia due to our longstanding childhood immunization program. The diphtheria vaccination is free and readily available from your GP for everyone from six weeks of age. It is important that everyone keeps up to date with their vaccinations.