Former Wigan, Penrith, And Team GB Back Rower, Bill Ashurst, Has Died Aged 74.

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The British Ruby Legend Passed Away From Unknown Causes

Rugby icon Bill Ashurst has died aged 74, from unknown causes.

The Wigan and Team GB star, who also played for Australian team Penrith Panthers, was remembered by all three squads as: “One of the best back-rowers of the 70's and 80's”.

Initially starting his sports career in Football, Ashurst turned down an offer from Blackburn Rovers to play for the Wigan rugby team, which he stated was: “Due to me wanting to stay in my home town for a little longer”.

Bill Ashurst retired from Rugby in January 1989, following years of success in Great Britain and Australia.

He was surrounded by friends and family when he died.