Türkiye and Niger Agree to Collaborate on Mineral Exploration and Exploitation

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The two countries have agreed to collaborate on mineral exploration and exploitation.

Türkiye and Niger have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at enhancing their economic ties, particularly in the mining sector. The agreement was finalized on Tuesday during a meeting between a Nigerien government delegation and Turkish officials in Istanbul.

The delegation from Niger, led by Minister of Mining Abarchi Ousmane, visited Türkiye as part of efforts to strengthen bilateral relations.

Following the signing, Türkiye's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alparslan Bayraktar, expressed optimism about the future of their collaboration in the mining field. He stated, "I believe that with the signing, our ongoing cooperation in the field of mining will be carried to further stages." He also conveyed his hope that the agreement would be mutually beneficial for both nations, sharing his thoughts in a post on X.

Bayraktar emphasized Türkiye’s commitment to collaborating with Niger "on mineral exploration and exploitation."

The agreement aims to expand cooperation between the two countries, promoting sustainable development through their respective mining sectors and encouraging both Turkish public and private companies to engage in mining operations in Niger.

This visit from Nigerien officials follows closely on the heels of a similar visit by Turkish officials just three months prior. During that earlier meeting in July, which included Niger’s Minister of Petroleum Mahaman Moustapha Barké and Minister of Energy Amadou Haoua, Türkiye's Minister Bayraktar and his Nigerien counterpart signed the "Declaration of Will on Cooperation in the Field of Oil and Natural Gas."

Türkiye and Niger share historical and cultural ties dating back to the Ottoman era, and both nations have recently intensified efforts to strengthen their relationship.

This development occurs amid a shifting landscape in Africa's Sahel region, where Western powers, including former colonial power France, as well as the United States and Germany, are losing influence due to political changes since 2020. Countries such as Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso have severed ties with Western nations and are seeking new partnerships in economic and security domains, with Türkiye emerging as a favored ally.