Baby Dies and 65 Rescued in English Channel Boat Sinking

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A baby died after an overloaded migrant boat sank while attempting to cross the English Channel, with rescuers saving 65 people.

According to Reuters, a tragic incident occurred on Thursday night when a baby died after a boat attempting to cross the English Channel sank, as reported by French authorities.

Officials indicated that the overloaded vessel, which was carrying migrants, began to sink near the coast of Wissant in northern France. Rescuers responded to the emergency and successfully saved 65 individuals, some of whom were found in the water.

During the ongoing search for additional individuals who may have been stranded at sea, rescuers discovered an unconscious baby, who was subsequently declared dead.

In a statement, the local prefecture explained: "Rescuers found that the heavily loaded boat was experiencing difficulties and that some individuals were in the water. They began to recover those in distress while also conducting further searches for anyone who could be lost at sea." It was during these searches that the baby was found, leading to the opening of an investigation by prosecutors into the circumstances surrounding the death.

The year 2024 has already become the deadliest year for migrant crossings in the English Channel since 2018. Currently, dinghies are frequently carrying 50 or more migrants, significantly exceeding the numbers from previous years, and many individuals are not wearing life jackets during the perilous journey.

On September 3, a heartbreaking incident resulted in the deaths of six children and a pregnant woman among the 12 individuals who perished when a boat carrying dozens of people sank off the French coast. A month later, another tragic event led to the deaths of four people, including a two-year-old boy, who were reportedly "trampled to death" on two separate boats.

With the latest sinking incident, the total number of migrant deaths attempting to cross the Channel this year has reached at least 53. UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has expressed his unwavering determination to combat the smuggling gangs that facilitate these dangerous crossings.

According to Home Office statistics, more than 26,000 migrants have arrived in Britain via small boats since the beginning of the year. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has asserted that the fatalities in the Channel are "preventable."