Shanghai Supermarket Stabbing Leaves 3 Dead, 15 Injured

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Police reported that the suspect, a 37-year-old man, was taken into custody shortly after the attack in the city’s southwest.

Three people were killed and 15 others injured during a knife attack at a supermarket in Shanghai on Monday evening, according to local police. This incident is part of a broader pattern of stabbings that have occurred in China in recent years.

Following the attack, all victims were immediately taken to the hospital for treatment. Despite medical efforts, three succumbed to their injuries, while the other 15 are not in life-threatening condition, according to a statement released by the Shanghai Public Security Bureau on Tuesday.

A 37-year-old man, identified by his surname Lin, was arrested at the scene in Shanghai's Songjiang district shortly after the attack. Authorities reported that Lin had traveled to Shanghai with the intention of carrying out the attack to express his anger over personal economic disputes. It is not immediately clear where Lin is originally from.

Police stated that the case is still under investigation.

This attack occurred on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and continues a trend of knife attacks across the country, including those targeting foreigners.

In a separate incident last month, a 10-year-old Japanese boy was fatally stabbed on his way to school in Shenzhen, prompting concerns for the safety of Japanese nationals in China. This was the second attack on a Japanese national in recent months; a stabbing in June in Suzhou left a Japanese woman and her child injured and resulted in the death of a Chinese bystander who had tried to intervene.

Another incident in June involved a knife attack in a public park in Jilin, northeastern China, where four U.S. university instructors were injured. Fortunately, none of them suffered critical injuries.

Stabbings carried out as acts of revenge against society are not uncommon in China. In 2022, a man stabbed 15 people in a Shanghai hospital, severely injuring four minors. The court determined that he committed the act out of resentment following a failed investment, and he was sentenced to death.