Ghana Police Arrest Dozens of Protesters Criticizing Government's Economic Management

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Ghanaian police arrested protesters in the capital demonstrating against government economic mismanagement and illegal mining. The clashes occurred ahead of December's presidential election, amid ongoing recovery from a severe financial crisis that saw inflation peak at 54 percent in 2022.

Ghana's police have arrested numerous individuals who gathered in the capital to protest against what they perceive as economic mismanagement by the government. The demonstrators also expressed their concerns regarding the government's approach to illegal mining, an activity that has detrimental effects on the environment.

Authorities accused some protesters of attacking police officers and pledged a strong response to those they deemed responsible for such actions. A police spokesperson asserted that the demonstrators had assembled unlawfully, which led to the clashes that ensued.

In contrast, Democracy Hub, the organization that orchestrated the protest intended to last three days, accused law enforcement of launching an attack on peaceful demonstrators. Oliver Barker Vormaw, a convenor for Democracy Hub, stated, "We've communicated with our lawyers to address what the police have decided to do today. We are urging everyone to be aware; they are planning to conduct random arrests."

These demonstrations occur in the lead-up to Ghana's presidential election in December, with the nation’s economic conditions being a significant concern for many voters. The country is slowly recovering from a severe financial crisis experienced in 2022, during which inflation reached 54 percent.