United Airlines Boeing Loses Wheel Shortly After Takeoff

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The Boeing 757-200 lost a landing gear wheel shortly after taking off from Los Angeles. Earlier in March, another Boeing aircraft operated by the same airline had a tire fall off after takeoff from San Francisco.

A Boeing aircraft operated by United Airlines lost a main landing gear wheel on Monday shortly after taking off from Los Angeles International Airport, according to a report by the Associated Press. United Airlines confirmed that the Boeing 757-200 experienced the wheel loss but managed to safely land at its destination in Denver.

"The wheel has been recovered in Los Angeles, and we are currently investigating the cause of this incident," United Airlines stated in a released statement.

The airline reported no injuries among the 174 passengers and 7 crew members aboard Flight 1001.

This incident marks the second occurrence this year where a Boeing aircraft operated by United Airlines has lost a wheel after takeoff. In March, a Boeing 777 en route to Japan lost a tire shortly after departing from San Francisco, resulting in an emergency landing.

The incident comes amidst ongoing safety concerns surrounding Boeing, particularly with its 737 Max series. Earlier this year, an Alaska Airlines 737 Max-9 flight experienced a door plug detachment mid-flight, highlighting continued safety challenges for the aviation giant.

Boeing's CEO, Dave Calhoun, is set to step down by the year's end amid these safety issues. The company has faced significant scrutiny and regulatory oversight following fatal crashes involving its 737 Max planes in Indonesia and Ethiopia in 2018 and 2019, respectively.

Boeing recently agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge linked to the 737 MAX disasters, admitting to making false representations to the Federal Aviation Administration about a critical software feature. This guilty plea carries a substantial fine and could impact the company's future government contracts.