Moroccan Students Advocate for Termination of Ties with Israeli Universities

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Students at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco are currently advocating for the severance of partnerships with Israeli universities.

Hundreds of Moroccan students and graduates from Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Ben Guerir, central Morocco, signed a petition on Wednesday urging the university to terminate partnership agreements with eight Israeli universities and institutes.

The petition, endorsed by 1,256 individuals, calls on the university administration to sever ties with Israeli partners accused of "war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people," as stated in their declaration.

According to the signatories, they engaged in dialogue with university representatives who indicated a refusal to cut ties with Israeli partners.

"Our university not only normalized relations but also took a leading role in establishing partnerships and hosting high-level Israeli delegations," the statement read.

The statement criticized the creation of a senior position dedicated to managing Israeli partnerships as "absurd and provocative."

The partnerships in question involve eight Israeli universities and higher education institutions, encompassing nearly all major universities in Israel.

Morocco became the fourth Arab country to normalize relations with Israel in 2020, following the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan.

Amid ongoing international condemnation for its military operations in Gaza since October 7, 2023, disregarding a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, Israel has been accused of severe actions against Palestinians.

Local health authorities report over 37,700 Palestinians killed, predominantly women and children, and nearly 86,400 injured in Gaza over the past eight months. Gaza has suffered extensive destruction amid a blockade affecting food, water, and medical supplies.

Israel faces allegations of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which recently ordered Tel Aviv to cease operations in Rafah, where over a million Palestinians sought refuge before the area was invaded on May 6.