Tinubu Urged to Declare State of Emergency on Hard Drugs

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The Speaker characterized drug traffickers as the most egregious criminals whose presence should not be condoned in any community striving for advancement.

The Speaker of the Edo House of Assembly, Blessing Agbebaku, urged President Bola Tinubu’s administration to declare a state of emergency on substance abuse and illicit drug trafficking in Nigeria.

Addressing a rally organized by Smile Africa International Youth Initiative in Benin to commemorate the 2024 International Day against Drug Abuse, Agbebaku expressed deep concern over the rampant drug abuse affecting the country, particularly its youth. He emphasized the urgent need for decisive action to safeguard their health.

Agbebaku stressed that declaring a state of emergency was crucial to effectively combat the menace of drug abuse and illicit trafficking, which he described as major contributors to criminal activities both in the state and nationwide. He highlighted the severe societal impacts of drug abuse, including substance use disorders and associated criminal behaviors.

The Speaker criticized the tolerance of drug traffickers within communities, labeling them as detrimental to societal progress. He underscored the multifaceted challenges posed by hard drugs, urging comprehensive strategies to mitigate their far-reaching and complex effects.

Agbebaku noted the House's previous resolutions on combating drug abuse and trafficking and lamented the worsening situation, with drugs freely available in certain areas of the state. He urged greater government intervention and emphasized sustained public awareness campaigns to prevent youth from falling victim to drug abuse.

Furthermore, Agbebaku pledged the House's commitment to supporting ongoing efforts against drug abuse through continuous advocacy and community engagement. He called on the state government to prioritize prevention programs as part of a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges posed by drug abuse.