Pope Calls Drug Traffickers 'Murderers,' Blasts Liberalization Laws as 'Fantasy' at UN Event

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Pope Francis strongly criticized drug traffickers, labeling them as "murderers," and mocked drug liberalization laws, dismissing them as a "fantasy."

Pope Francis delivered a strong denouncement of drug traffickers as "murderers" and criticized drug liberalization laws as a "fantasy" during his remarks marking the U.N.'s day against drug use and trafficking. He dedicated his entire weekly catechism lesson to addressing drug abuse, emphasizing the need for enhanced prevention measures and compassionate care for addicts, whom he described as children of God deserving of dignity.

Having previously ministered in Buenos Aires where he witnessed the devastating impact of drugs like "paco," Francis has made supporting recovering addicts a priority during his global travels. Departing from his usual biblical themes, he praised efforts by certain countries and programs that effectively educate young people about drug risks and the criminality of trafficking.

Rejecting the notion that liberalizing drug use reduces addiction rates, Francis affirmed that it is a moral imperative to combat drug production and trafficking. He condemned traffickers as "traffickers of death," driven by greed and power, urging them to repent. Simultaneously, he advocated for legislation supporting prevention and compassionate care for those affected by addiction.

"We are all called to respond, to empathize with situations of vulnerability and suffering, and to heed the cries of those in loneliness and despair, offering them support and hope," Francis emphasized.