Ghana police probe as priest, 63, marries 12-year-old girl

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The Ghana police are conducting an investigation following the marriage between a 63-year-old priest and a 12-year-old girl.

An event in the heart of Ghana has sparked outrage and drawn widespread condemnation. The marriage ceremony between a 63-year-old prominent traditional priest, Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII, and a 12-year-old girl has raised serious concerns about cultural practices and child welfare.

Despite ongoing efforts to combat child marriages in a country where the legal marriage age is 18, the prevalence remains troubling. Girls Not Brides, a respected global NGO, highlights the urgency of addressing this issue, given the significant percentage of girls in Ghana who marry before reaching adulthood.

The elaborate ceremony, attended by a large number of community members, has sparked widespread criticism since videos and photos were released on social media platforms. Concerning statements made during the event seemed to endorse the young bride's readiness for marital responsibilities, igniting widespread condemnation and calls for intervention.

Critics have vehemently called for the dissolution of the marriage and a thorough investigation into Mr. Tsuru's actions. However, leaders from the Nungua indigenous community, encompassing both the bride and the priest, have defended the union, citing deeply rooted traditions and customs.

Nii Bortey Kofi Frankwa II, a respected community leader, underscores the importance of comprehending the cultural context of the marriage. He highlights the longstanding traditions governing such unions and assures that the girl's education will not be compromised by her role as the priest's wife.

As discussions persist, the young bride is anticipated to undergo further customary rituals to formalize her position in the community. Local media reports indicate that this process will equip her for the responsibilities accompanying her new marital status, including childbearing.

Mr. Tsuru, recognized as a "Gborbu Wulomo," or traditional high priest, holds significant spiritual authority in the Nungua indigenous community. His role in conducting vital rituals and upholding cultural customs underscores the intricacies of the situation and the necessity of understanding local traditions.

As public debate rages on, government officials have not yet issued an official response to the controversial marriage.