Two Explosions in Israel's Jerusalem Leaves One Dead, 14 Injured, Israeli Emergency Services Say

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The explosions follow months of tension in the occupied West Bank after the Israeli military launched a crackdown in the wake of a series of deadly attacks in Israel.

Two explosions at two bus stops near entrances to Jerusalem have left one person dead and more than a dozen other people injured in a suspected "combined terror attack", Israeli police spokesperson said Wednesday.

The first explosion occurred close to the main entrance of Jerusalem in Givat Shaul, at 7:06 a.m. peak commuter hour, injuring eleven people, while the second blast occurred shortly after 7:30 a.m. at the Ramot junction, another entrance to Jerusalem, leaving three people with minor injuries.

According to two paramedics from Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s Red Cross affiliate, who were at the scene, those seriously injured include two people, aged 16 and 45, who have been taken to the hospital. One of the injured has been confirmed died.

“We were at the MDA station by the entrance to the city when we heard a large explosion. We immediately headed to the scene in large numbers, including ambulances, MICUs (mobile intensive care units), and medicycles,” said the paramedics.

“Two seriously wounded were lying nearby, a 16-year-old in the bus stop and a 45-year-old on the sidewalk,” they added.

Television footage showed debris strewn around the explosion scene, which was cordoned off by emergency services.

Israeli Army Radio said the explosion was caused by an explosive device planted at the scene, but police have not confirmed the report and say investigations are still ongoing, as they search for suspects behind the two explosions.

Security services were sweeping the area in an attempt to find any suspects connected to the explosions. Police said they had closed off the Route 1 highway following the first blast.

Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai, who visited the scene, said there might have been two attackers. However, there have been no immediate claims of responsibility.

Public Security Minister Omer Barlev spoke with the police chief and was expected to visit the scenes of the attacks, his office said.

The explosions came amid heightened tensions, following a series of Palestinian attacks that have left 29 people in Israel and the West Bank dead since the start of the year.