South African Regulator Finds No Toxin in J&J Cough Syrup Recall

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The recall was issued by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority in April, shortly after Nigeria's regulator had recalled the medicine.

An investigation conducted on two recalled batches of children's cough syrup manufactured in South Africa by Johnson & Johnson revealed no presence of a toxin. The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) stated on Wednesday that no adverse events have been reported from consuming the syrup.

SAHPRA issued the recall in April following Nigeria's regulator recalling the medicine due to high levels of diethylene glycol, a potentially deadly substance. No adverse events have been reported in South Africa or other African countries, although Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe also issued recalls.

SAHPRA stated, "there is no record of any adverse drug reactions relating to diethylene glycol for the two recalled batches in South Africa or anywhere else where they were exported to on the continent."

Kenvue, the owner of the Benylin brand since its spin-off from J&J last year, confirmed through its tests that the recalled batches had no traces of diethylene glycol or ethylene glycol. They welcomed SAHPRA's statement reaffirming the safety of the recalled batches.

While diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol have been linked to the deaths of over 300 children in Cameroon, Gambia, Indonesia, and Uzbekistan since 2022, there is no evidence connecting those incidents with the April recalls