Sir Mo Farah Grateful That Home Office Is Taking No Action Against Him

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The Somali Born British Olympian Announced That He Had Entered The Country Via Human Trafficking And That Mohamed Farah Wasn't His Real Name.

The Somali born British Olympian Sir Mo Farah has announced that his is grateful that the Home Office will not be coming after him, after he revealed that he was trafficked to the UK as a child.

Born with the name Hussein Abdi Kahin, he was given the name Mohammed Farah by the smugglers who brought him to the UK illegally.

He won two gold medals for the UK during the 2012 London Games, after years of training and hard work.

The decision has been criticized by the Met Police and the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, who've stated their view that Sir Mo should be deported back to Somalia.

The British government can revoke a person's citizenship if they obtained it via fraud.

The Home Office issued a statement saying: “We will not be taking any further action against Sir Mohammed Farah (Formally known as Hussein Abdi Kahin) on the grounds that children coerced into human trafficking weren't mature enough to be complicate in obtaining illegal citizenship”.