People Across Japan Attend The Funeral Of Shinzo Abe

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The Former Japanese Prime Minister Was Assassinated By A Former Member Of The Japanese Special Defence Forces (JSDF) During A Speech Last Week

Millions of people across Japan have turned out to mourn for their former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, after he was assassinated on Firday.

Abe's funeral in Tokyo was meant to be a private affair, with only friends and family in attendance.

But the Japanese people, feeling intense loss of their own, began gathering outside the Zojoji Temple to lay flowers and say their own goodbyes.

When Mrs Abe's car was seen, the mourners bowed in respect to the newly widowed Mrs Abe as she was visibly sobbing.

She stated that: “I want to thank the people of Tokyo and wider Japan for giving your support to my late husband in life and in death.

I also want to than the mourners who attended the funeral, as it shows in real life the number of people who backed him during his political career.

We will never have another politician like my husband, Shinzo Abe”.