Metal Gear Solid Creator Hideo Kojima Announces He'll Sue Fake News Outlets Over False Articles

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Fake News Sites Have Been Posting Stories Claiming The Metal Gear Solid Creator Had Assassinated Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

The creator of the popular Konami franchise Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, has announced plans to sue fake news sites and outlets in America, Europe, and Asia after they claimed the video game developer had assassinated the former Japanese Prime Minister.

Last week the former Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, was gunned down in Japan by a former member of the Japanese Self Defence Force (JSDF), Tetsuya Yamagami, using a pipe gun.

The images from the fake articles spread to Iranian, Greek, and French news outlets.

The fake article claims that Kojima had set the former JSDF soldier up, comparing it to one of the games in his Metal Gear Solid series called Peacewalker.

In the game you play as Big Boss, a mercenary in Costa Rica hired to investigate covert activity in the country and neighbouring Nicaragua.

Along the way he encounters a rival mercenary named Kazuhira Miller: A Japanese-American mercenary who served with the JSDF.

It is claimed by the fake news outlets that this is all the proof needed to implicate the former Konami money-maker despite Peacewalker releasing in 2010, 12 years before Shinzo was assassinated.

Hideo Kojima is quoted as saying: “I strongly condemn the spread of fake news and rumours that convey false information, I will not tolerate such libel and will be taking legal action”.