Mozambique Allies With Ukraine As Talks Were Held Between Zelensky And Nyusi

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The Two Presidents Spent Over An Hour On The Phone Discussing Food Security And Military Arms Shipments

The President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, has announced that his country will be aligned with Ukraine, as the war in the country affects food aid across Africa.

Nations including South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Libya have been badly hit by the cease of food aid caused by Russia holding Ukrainian grain hostage.

Nyusi and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky spent a reported 4 hours on the phone discussing their newly formed alliance, and what it means in terms of food aid and arms shipments.

Zelensky tweeted that: “I've held talks with the Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, and have guaranteed food aid to his country in exchange for weapons.

We must overcome the global food crisis caused by Russia, starting in Africa where a majority have been hit the hardest”.