Four Dead And 322 Injured After A Bleacher Stand Collapsed During The San Pedro Festival In Colombia

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An Investigation Has Speculated That The Collapse Was Due To The Large Crowed Putting Too Much Strain On The Old Section Of The Arena

Four spectators have been killed and 322 have been injured yesterday, after a bleacher stand collapsed during a bullfight in El Espinal, Colombia.

Tolima Governor, Jose Ricardo Orozco, announced that two women, a man, and a child were among the dead known at this time.

The incident occurred during the San Pedro Festival, where thousands attended the local bullfights.

The festival is popular due to the tradition of Corraleja Events, where locals in the crowed can try their hand at being a Matador in the ring against the ferocious beast.

The day before, several spectators who took part in the traditional Corraleja were gored by the bulls whilst participating in the event.

It is speculated that the weight of the large crowed was too much for the old grandstand to handle, and collapsed leaving hundreds trapped for hours before being airlifted to hospital.