The Little Mermaid Premieres in the UK

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The Disney animated motion picture premieres its first live-action feature in UK cinemas and theaters

The Little mermaid has become the latest Disney classic to be transferred from animation to live-action. The original Disney classic animation was released thirty-seven (37) years ago and last night saw the UK premiere of the live-action remake. The film casts American actress, Halle Bailey, in the lead role of ‘Ariel’ who spoke to news crews on the red carpet at the premiere saying:

“…I’m so happy to be here…. You know, I loved London, it was very different for me, really gloomy and cold, but it’s beautiful, nonetheless…. You know, I’m just so grateful to be in this position and represent for my community and all of the beautiful black and brown little girls and boys who get to see themselves, it’s so important to for us to have representation, especially when we’re that young, so it just means the world to me.”

The Actress playing Ursula, none other than Melissa McCartney, diversity, to her was very important in the film as she expressed in her own red carpet cameo:

“…what’s unfamiliar or what we don’t see in the film is embracing diversity, embracing how we’re all different and don’t be afraid of it.”

The Little Mermaid is set to be released in cinemas from next week for all fans and critics to catch a viewing of the revamped Disney classic in live-action.