Zoolander Star Ben Stiller Meets With President Volodymyr Zelensky

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The Actor Called The Ukrainian President: "My Hero".

American actor Ben Stiller, best known for his rolls in Zoolander and Tropic Thunder, met with former actor and currently the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, as part of his role as a Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

Stiller, who has been an ambassador since 2016, called Zelesnky: “My hero”, before complimenting the former comedic actor on his handling of the war in Ukraine.

A war that has nearly lasted four months, and has killed hundreds of thousands of people, along with creating tens of millions of refugees across Europe, Asia, and the United States.

The Hollywood star stated that: “The war here has taken it's toll on the people here, people with nothing to eat as Russia hoards Ukrainian grain.

It's completely unacceptable and inconceivable that such an event can happen in the 21st Century, but I guess we all learnt something new in February”.