How Social Media Killed Olly Stephens

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Olly's Family Was Shocked Upon The Discovery Of The Murky World Of Violence And Hate Their Son Along With His Friends Had Inhabited Through Their Phones.

Amanda and Stuart Stephens watched their son Olly leave their house last January, not knowing it would be the last time they'd see their son alive.

Olly was murdered 15 minutes later in Bugs Bottom, a local piece of farmland near his house.

He was stabbed to death by two teenage boys, who were aided by a teenage girl who was used as bait.

The attack was planned on Facebook, after Olly and the two teenagers got into an argument on their social media feed.

When his parents found and went through their dead son's phone, they were mortified by what they saw.

Stuart Stephens stated that: “They hunted him, tracked him, and executed him.

Social Media is not guilty of my son's murder, but it did nothing to protect him”.

Thames Valley Police singled out Olly's case due to the massive role social media played in the murder, they fear that what was on Olly and his murderer's phones was only the tip of the iceberg.

Olly's parents have frozen their murdered son's room in time, still made as if it was still January 2021.

Many social media companies like Facebook and Twitter have updated their policies on showing bladed weapons, but to this day they can still be found.