The Chariots Of Fire And Blade Runner Composer Passed Away In Hospital After Suffering From Heart Problems
1980's Composer Vangelis Has Died Aged 79

The late 20th century Greek composer Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou, more commonly known by his stage name Vangelis, has died aged 79 from heart failure whilst receiving treatment for a heart condition in a French hospital.
prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis shared the news with the Greek
public and the world stating: “Evangelos Papathanassiou is no
longer with us, the world of music has lost the international artist
known by many as Vangelis”.
career started in the 1960s, though the future Oscar and BAFTA winner
initially only found minor success going into the 1970s.
later the inspiring composer gained popularity in the early 1980s
with his scores for movies like 1981's Chariots of Fire and Ridley
Scott's 1982 sci-fi classic Blade Runneer, he also did the music for
Carl Sagan's TV show Cosmos which is now hosted by the astrophysicist
and good friend of the late Sagan: Neil deGrasse Tyson.
the composer has other works besides his more universally known
also credited for the soundtracks of 1984's The Bounty, 1992's Bitter
Moon and 1492: Conquest of Paradise, 2004's Alexander, 2018's
Missing, and 2020's Francesco (The last film soundtrack the late
musician contributed for before he died).
last studio album, Juno to Jupiter, has sold just over 1 Million