African Swine Fever Plagues British Pigs

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Farmers Across The UK Are Concerned That African Swine Fever Will Cause A Further Shortage Of Pork In The Shops

The government has announced that new restrictions on importing pork or pig derived products from the United States and Africa are to be put in effect immediate, after hundreds of pigs and piglets across the UK tested positive for African Swine Fever.

African Swine Fever isn't dangerous to humans, but what's concerning farmers and the government is the timing of this pandemic among the UK's pig population, and how it will lead to further shortages of pork products like bacon, ham, and sausages in stores.

The Senior Policy Advisor for the National Pig Association, Rebecca Veale, has welcomed the new restrictions by saying: "This outbreak of African Swine Fever in the UK can and will devastate businesses dealing in pork across the country, we're very pleased that the government has understood the risk African Swine Fever poses to our national pig herd and for listening to our call for action by strengthening import laws to prevent any further spread".

Nick Allen of the British Meat Processors Association stated that: "Our concern had been mounting over the worrying increase in small van loads of meat pulling up to shops and butcheries across the UK, so we're extremely relieved that the new measures will be brought into immediate effect".

The government has so far put the risk level of African Swine Fever to a: "Medium", according to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). 

Researchers from APHA have been able to deduce that the cause of the current spread of African Swine Fever in the UK was lack of proper checks being carried out on imported pigs and feed from African Swine Fever affected countries, with no vaccine for the pigs available, the APHA has advised all British farmers to kill all pigs and piglets who test positive and to burn their corpses to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever to any further pig and/or other animal farms across the UK.