Stunning A-list Actress, 31, Looks Unrecognisable and Scruffy on Set of New Film

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Jodie Comer is virtually unrecognisable in her new role for 28 Years Later.

Danny Boyle and Alex Garland are currently directing the much-anticipated sequel to the beloved horror film 28 Days Later, which was released in 2002 and starred Cillian Murphy navigating a post-apocalyptic world.

Northumberland, a rural county straddling Newcastle upon Tyne to the south and the Scottish border to the north, has received an injection of Hollywood glamour as stars have descended on its quiet countryside over the past few months.

Filming has already taken place on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne off the north Northumberland coast and now appears to have moved inland for further scenes.

While we were aware the Killing Eve actress, 31, was starring in the new film as a Geordie, we almost didn’t recognise her in these pictures, as the makeup team seems to have aged her by about 20 years.

Pictures from filming show Prima Facie star Jodie wearing a dishevelled outfit consisting of a baggy beige coat and a checkered shirt on top of a floaty floral dress.

The bizarre get-up looks somewhat eerie against Comer’s character’s tattered hair and seemingly fraught state, as a young boy is also pictured in the hillside shots.

Jodie can be seen clutching her head and looking as though things are pretty bleak in this particular part of the script.

The Liverpudlian stars alongside Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes, Erin Kellyman, and Jack O’Connell for the sequel.

Known for her expert accents, Jodie has reportedly been taking inspiration from Girls Aloud star Cheryl’s Newcastle twang to master her character’s voice.

According to an interview with ELLE UK, Jodie has watched old X Factor episodes to get it right.

‘I’m excited to get the first day done,’ she told the publication last month about her new role.

‘Danny just seems like such a confident, intuitive, and intelligent director. The original was so loved, so I’m trying not to think about that too much. I’m not putting too much expectation on myself.’

Danny and Garland, who only served as executive producers on the second movie, 28 Weeks Later, in 2007, are working alongside Andrew Macdonald, Peter Rice, and Bernie Bellew for this new release, while Cillian is moving behind the scenes as an executive producer.

However, Cillian admitted in an interview with The Independent that he would reprise his role ‘in a flash’ given the opportunity.

‘I would be there in a flash. I made two movies with both of those guys, and I would love to work with them again. Of course, I’m there,’ he said last year.

While this film is the third in the franchise, it is said to be the first of an upcoming trilogy from the directors and writers, each one thought to have a budget of around $75 million (£58.9m).