UN Reports 4.5 Million Internally Displaced People in Ethiopia

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According to UNOCHA, displacement in Ethiopia is primarily attributed to persistent conflicts in northern and central regions of the country, exacerbated by climatic conditions.

Ethiopia is facing a severe internal displacement crisis, with approximately 4.5 million people forcibly displaced primarily due to conflict as of June, according to a UN report. The regions most affected include Somali, Oromia, and Tigray, with many individuals enduring prolonged displacement periods. Over half of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) have been displaced for more than a year, and significant percentages have been displaced for two to four years or five years or more.

Efforts to address the crisis have enabled 3.3 million IDPs to return to their areas of origin since January 2022. However, ongoing conflicts and climate-related crises continue to contribute to a high number of displaced individuals. The report emphasizes the critical need for sustained support and durable solutions, including facilitating safe returns where security conditions permit, supporting local integration, and maintaining effective monitoring systems.

Ethiopia's displacement crisis remains a pressing humanitarian issue, exacerbated by ongoing conflict that perpetuates instability and displacement nationwide.