Several Insurgents Killed in Somalia's Puntland State

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Somali security forces announced that they killed several militant insurgents and captured eight outposts during military operations in the semi-autonomous Puntland region on Monday.

Somali security forces reported the elimination of multiple militant insurgents and the capture of eight outposts during ongoing military operations in Puntland, a semi-autonomous region of Somalia.

While these militants maintain a relatively minor presence compared to the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab, experts have raised concerns about their increasing activity. Last year, a United Nations counter-terrorism official cautioned about the rising frequency of attacks by insurgents in countries like Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Somalia.

The Somali military said Monday's operation in the northern Bari province focused on the Cal Miskat mountains.

In a statement, the Puntland army detailed their progress, stating, "The security forces took control of eight outposts, including a significant one in the Cal Miskat mountains. Several gunmen, including foreign fighters, were killed in the military operations." The statement also revealed that "around nine drones loaded with explosives meant to target and detonate on security forces were shot down during the fighting."

The military forces are continuing their offensive, aiming to target key terrorist hideouts and clear them out. Ahmed Rage, a military commander in the area, described ongoing heavy fighting, noting that armed militias had fortified themselves inside a cave in the mountain. Despite this resistance, he affirmed that the army is "making progress and continues to advance onto the stronghold positions."