Germany: 11 Injured as Ghost Train Ride Catches Fire at Festival

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At a festival in northwestern Germany, a ghost train ride ignited in flames; however, the fire was swiftly brought under control.

On Sunday, a fire broke out on a ghost train ride named "Zombie" during a festival in Leer, located in the northwestern German state of Lower Saxony, resulting in injuries to eleven individuals, according to police reports.

As a consequence of the incident at the Gallimarkt, a folk festival with origins dating back to 1508, three people were hospitalized due to their injuries.

Police indicated that among the injured were at least four ride employees who experienced smoke inhalation, as well as one individual who was treated for shock.

The authorities reported that the flames were swiftly extinguished and that an investigation is currently underway. However, they have not disclosed the cause of the fire or the extent of the damage incurred.

City officials had previously anticipated that approximately half a million attendees would participate in the carnival, which saw significant attendance on Sunday, largely due to the pleasant weather conditions.

Historically, the Gallimarkt originated as a cattle market and has evolved into a modern fair, attracting visitors with 19 large rides and around 250 market stalls set up throughout the town center.