Sweden to Prosecute Two Men Over Quran Burnings

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The men are charged with "offences of agitation against an ethnic or national group" for burning Islam's holy book on four separate occasions, including outside a mosque and in other public spaces.

Swedish prosecutors have announced that they will put two men on trial for their involvement in burning the Quran during a series of incidents that occurred last year and sparked significant outrage in the Muslim world.

According to a statement from the Swedish Prosecution Authority released on Wednesday, the two men are charged with committing "offences of agitation against an ethnic or national group" on four separate occasions. These incidents involved burning Islam's holy book outside a mosque and at other public locations.

In response to these burnings, Sweden's domestic security service elevated its terrorism alert level, and neighboring Denmark, which also experienced a series of Quran burnings, implemented stricter legislation to prohibit such acts.

Senior Prosecutor Anna Hankkio stated, "Both men are being prosecuted for having, on these four occasions, made statements and handled the Quran in a manner intended to convey contempt for Muslims due to their faith."

The evidence presented against the two men, identified as Salwan Momika and Salwan Najem, primarily consists of video recordings, according to Hankkio. Najem has denied any wrongdoing, as confirmed by his lawyer, Mark Safaryan, on Wednesday.