Hugh Jackman's Surprise Gift to the Marvel Boss Who Made Him a Global Superstar

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Hugh Jackman has paid tribute to the Hollywood mogul who played a significant role in making the Australian-born actor a global superstar.

The 55-year-old fan favourite attended the ceremony where Marvel chief Kevin Feige, 51, received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles on Thursday.

The Wolverine star decided to have some fun at the expense of his old mentor.

As part of his tribute, Hugh presented the Marvel Studios president with a £15 voucher to a well-known steakhouse chain.

A video shared on Facebook shows the cheeky star struggling to maintain a serious expression during his presentation.

"I honestly would go with you, but I’m kind of a massive movie star now [so] it would not look good for me," Hugh joked.

In his speech, Hugh explained the significance of his gift.

Speaking in front of a star-studded group of guests, including Ryan Reynolds and Chris Pratt, Hugh recounted how he had known Feige since he first auditioned for the role of Wolverine in the X-Men film 25 years ago.

At the time, Feige was a producer at Marvel and had offered to drive the then little-known Aussie to the airport.

"And all of a sudden he pulls over at a restaurant," Hugh continued.

"Now at this point, I know I’m not getting the part. Kevin knows I’m not getting the part. The waiter in the restaurant knows I’m not getting the part. But Kevin says, 'I want to buy you a steak.'

"And like, I’m an actor, it's free steak, I’m in totally... He [Kevin] took the time to take care of me. And I will never ever forget it.

"It’s 25 years later. And this is kind of a full-circle moment. So is there any way I can show my affection for this man today? Other than saying a few words?

"I got you this gift certificate to Mastros Steakhouse. This is a full £15 gift certificate... valid on Tuesdays between 3 and 3 pm. Don't cry."

Hugh has portrayed the Marvel character in eight X-Men films from 2000 until 2016, and was last seen as Wolverine in the standalone movie Logan in 2017.

Deadpool and Wolverine will mark the 10th time the Aussie has donned the iconic claws for the popular role.