Dozens Rally in Pakistan Following Death Sentence for Christian Man on Blasphemy Charges

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Dozens of members from Pakistan’s civil society rallied in the southern port city of Karachi against the death sentence handed down to a Christian man on blasphemy charges, almost a year after one of the most severe mob attacks on Christians in the country.

Dozens of members from Pakistan's civil society gathered on Tuesday in Karachi, the southern port city, to protest against the death sentence imposed on a Christian man for blasphemy charges. This rally, which included several Christians, follows a court decision in Sahiwal, Punjab, sentencing Ehsan Shan to death for allegedly sharing "hateful content" against Muslims on social media. Shan's lawyer, Khurram Shahzad, announced plans to appeal the verdict on Monday.

The case stems from Shan's arrest in August 2023, sparked by allegations that led to widespread violence in Jaranwala, Punjab, where homes and churches were burned following accusations of Quran desecration by two Christian men (later arrested). Although Shan was not implicated in the desecration, he was accused of reposting defaced Quran pages on TikTok.

At the Karachi rally, Christian leader Luke Victor demanded Shah's release and urged action against those responsible for the church and home burnings in Jaranwala. Blasphemy accusations are frequent in Pakistan, where insulting Islam or its figures can lead to death sentences under blasphemy laws. While no death sentence for blasphemy has been carried out by authorities, accusations often incite riots, mob violence, and killings.