At least 22 Killed During Kenya Tax Protests, State Watchdog Reports

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The Kenya Medical Association reported that approximately 30 people were receiving treatment for bullet wounds sustained during Tuesday's protests.

Twenty-two people were reported killed during Tuesday's protests in Kenya, according to a statement from a state-funded rights organization. The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, led by chairwoman Roseline Odede, announced plans to investigate what it termed "the largest number of deaths in a single day protest."

Odede confirmed that 19 of the deaths occurred in Nairobi, where police fired on demonstrators who had entered parliament. Additionally, the Kenya Medical Association reported treating around 30 people for gunshot wounds sustained during the protests.

The demonstrations, initially peaceful and primarily led by youth, intensified amid opposition to tax hikes proposed by parliament. The escalation prompted the deployment of military forces and caused significant damage to parts of the parliament building.

Despite the passage of the controversial bill on Tuesday, protesters vowed to continue their demonstrations, planning a peaceful march in Nairobi wearing white to honor those who died.