Kenya to Deploy Police to Haiti in 'About Two Weeks,' Says President Ruto

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Kenya's President William Ruto has announced that the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to Haiti will occur in approximately two weeks' time.

Kenyan police are poised to intervene in gang violence in Haiti, as President William Ruto announced on Sunday. Despite legal obstacles delaying the mission, Kenya is determined to lead a UN-supported effort to stabilize the Caribbean nation, afflicted by turmoil. Plans entail deploying 1,000 officers, in collaboration with other nations.

Ruto expressed optimism, suggesting deployment within weeks. Although a UN resolution endorsed the mission in October, legal challenges in Kenya postponed action until an agreement was reached in March. However, a pending lawsuit by a Kenyan opposition party adds uncertainty, with a court hearing scheduled for June 12.

Joining Kenya in the mission are countries such as Benin, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, and Chad. Nevertheless, Human Rights Watch has raised concerns regarding rights violations and funding uncertainties surrounding the endeavor, citing past allegations of excessive force and unlawful killings by Kenyan police.