US Republicans Propose Renaming Airport After Trump in New Bill

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US Republican Representative Guy Reschenthaler has submitted legislation to rename Virginia's Dulles International Airport as "Donald J. Trump International Airport." Congressional Democrats have ridiculed the proposal.

Members of the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party are proposing to designate the Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia in honor of the 45th president, Donald Trump.

Republican Representative Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania expressed his admiration for Donald Trump, labeling him as the "best president of my lifetime" and emphasizing Trump's commitment to freedom, prosperity, and strength.

Consequently, Reschenthaler has introduced legislation aimed at renaming the Washington Dulles International Airport to "Donald J. Trump International Airport." The concise two-page bill, submitted on Friday, has garnered support from other pro-Trump Republicans, including Troy Nehls of Texas and Paul Gosar of Arizona.

If passed, the legislation would officially change the airport's name in all relevant records. Currently, the airport is named after John Foster Dulles, a former US Secretary of State under President Dwight Eisenhower's administration in the 1950s. Serving as a major hub for the Washington D.C. and Baltimore metropolitan areas, Dulles Airport facilitates numerous domestic and international routes.

The legislation needs approval from both the Republican-majority House and the Democratic-controlled Senate for the name change to take effect. Yet, with opposition from Democrats, its adoption seems unlikely.

Gerry Connolly, a Democratic representative in the US House, who represents Fairfax County in Virginia, where Dulles Airport is situated, derided the proposal for a name change.

In a statement, Connolly remarked, "Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges," alluding to Trump's legal issues. He quipped, "If Republicans wish to name something after him, I'd suggest they find a federal prison."

Jennifer Wexton, another Democratic congresswoman representing northern Virginia, criticized the bill as "just another in a long list of instances where extreme Republicans have shown how unserious and delusional they are."

In the United States, it's common for airports to be named after prominent presidents or political figures. As of now, no airport in the US has been named after Trump, who is currently challenging Democratic incumbent President Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

Another airport in the DC area is named Ronald Reagan National Airport, honoring the conservative Republican who served in the White House from 1981 to 1989.

Meanwhile, New York City's primary international airport is named John F. Kennedy International Airport, commemorating the famous Democrat who was assassinated in 1963.