Istanbul Nightclub Fire Claims Dozens of Lives

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The death toll has risen further following a fire at a nightclub undergoing renovations. Authorities have detained five individuals, and an investigation into the cause of the fire is underway.

The death toll in a nightclub fire in Istanbul has reached 29, following a blaze that erupted during renovation work. Casualties primarily affected construction workers at the venue, located in a 16-storey building in the Besiktas district.

While the specific cause remains unknown, officials attribute it to the renovation activities. Emergency responders, including firefighters, medical teams, and police, promptly arrived and contained the situation.

With 31 vehicles and 86 personnel, firefighters extinguished the flames swiftly. Rescue operations continue at the site.

Turkish Communications Director Fahrettin Altun expressed condolences to the families of the citizens who lost their lives in the fire and wished a swift recovery to the injured on X.

Altun noted that President Erdogan is closely monitoring all developments related to this tragic incident, receiving updates from the ministries and the Istanbul Governor's Office.

He also mentioned the initiation of a comprehensive investigation into the incident, with a commitment to examining all aspects of the fire.