Six Killed After Shelling In Toretsk

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The Attack Comes As Vladimir Putin Tries To Re-Plan His Strategy Of Taking The Donbas From Ukraine

Six people in Eastern Ukraine have been killed, after Russian shells rained down on the city of Toretsk.

The city is located in Donetsk, which is divided between Ukrainian forces and Russian backed separatists from the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

Military intelligence suggests that this was one of many attacks Russia orchestrated to regroup and attack the nearby city of Sloviansk.

Russian forces initially relocated to separatist held areas in the east following the Battle of Kiev, choosing to focus on attacking from the dead east, rather than the highly populated and defended north and Kiev. 

The Kremlin announced that a missile strike in Kotiantynivka on Sunday killed 250 foreign mercenaries working for Ukraine, which Kiev claims is a: "Propaganda lie".