Three-Year-Old Child Rescued from under Rubble nearly 60 Hours after Philippines Landslide

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The rescue of the girl nearly 60 hours after the landslide hit a gold-mining village has been hailed as a “miracle” after rescuers had given up hope of finding more survivors.

A three-year-old girl has been rescued nearly 60 hours after she was buried in a landslide that struck a gold-mining village in southern Philippines.

The rescue of the child on Friday has been hailed as a “miracle” after searchers had given up hope of finding more survivors.

The youngster, whose age has not been disclosed, had been among dozens of people missing after the rain-induced landslide hit Masara village in the Davao de Oro province in the Mindanao region on Tuesday. Officials say 35 people lost their lives in the mudslide.

The child was found as rescuers used their bare hands and shovels to look for survivors in the village, disaster agency official Edward Macapili of the Davao de Oro province said.

Photos and video posted on the Philippine Red Cross Facebook page on Friday show rescue workers carrying the girl, wrapped in an emergency blanket and hooked to an oxygen tank, into a hospital in nearby Mawab municipality.

“It’s a miracle,” Macapili said, adding that searchers had believed those missing were probably dead. He told the AFP news agency: “That gives hope to the rescuers. A child’s resilience is usually less than that of adults, yet the child survived.”

Macapili said the girl’s father saw his child before she was taken to a medical facility for a check-up.

Davao de Oro provincial disaster chief Randy Loy also told reporters on Friday that “we’re still hoping to save more people even after four days.”

He, however, warned that that they “can’t really guarantee their chances of surviva” after 48 hours.

The landslide struck Tuesday night, destroying houses and engulfing buses and a Jeepney – a type of minibus – waiting to pick up workers from a gold mine.

Officials revised the number of missing to 89 from 110, with the number of injured at 32.

Searchers were in a race against time and weather to find anyone else alive in the thick mud as rain fell over on Friday.

Landslides are a frequent hazard across much of the Philippines because of the mountainous terrain, heavy rainfall, and widespread deforestation from mining and illegal logging.

Heavy monsoon rains have pounded parts of Mindanao on and off for weeks, causing landslides and flooding that have forced tens of thousands of people into emergency shelters.

Rescuers were forced to pause their operations on Saturday when a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck. The Philippine Star said no fatalities or injuries have been reported so far from the quake.