The price of fuel has been fluctuating in the world market hence there is no fixed price of fuel

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Fuel talk everywhere

 Important products including petrol, diesel and Kerosene. Fuel price fluctuations is influenced by decision on output made by Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Like any other product, demand and supply affect fuel pricing. Consumers in many countries in the World have different ratings in pricing of fuel. In this article we are going to focus on the East African Countries fuel prices.

In Kenya as at 14th June 2022, the price of super petrol will retail at Ksh 159.12, diesel Ksh 140.00, Kerosene Ksh 127.94

Summary of the New Fuel Prices in major cities in Kenya

Here is a Summary of the New Fuel Prices in the major cities in Kenya. The prices in Kenya Shillings per litre.

City Petrol Diesel Kerosene

Mombasa 156.86 137.76 125.69

Nairobi 159.12 140.00 127.94

Nakuru 158.64 139.83 127.79

Kisumu 159.53 140.70 128.66

The New Fuel Prices in Kenya for 15 June to 14 July 2022 were released by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority – EPRA on Tuesday 14th June 2022. In the Public Notice, the cost of Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene has increased by at least KES 9.00 from the previous months prices ( May 15th to Jun 14th).

For instance, a litre of petrol in Tanzania retails at Sh144.72, Uganda (Sh163.20), Rwanda (Sh154.81),

Further south, a litre of petrol in South Africa goes at KSh 172.26 and in Zambia at KSh 175.42. A litre of diesel in Kenya retails at KSh 115.6, 136.34 in Tanzania, KSh 140.80 in Uganda, KSh 155.84 in Rwanda, KSh 167.27 in South Africa, and in Zambia at KSh 174.27.

This difference in fuel prices results due to difference in tax rates among member countries.