Elon Musk's New Optimus Robot Gives People Terminator Vibes

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Humanity's Fear Of Killer Robots Is Nothing New, But Elon Musk's New Optimus Robot Has Many Expressing That Fear Openly Now More Than Ever.

The world's richest man and Afrikaner tech pioneer Elon Musk has unveiled his newest creation: A robotic endoskeleton, to mixed reactions.

Some have praised the advancements made into robotics by it's creation, others have condemned it's creation believing it will take away their jobs, but most have made called it a threat to human existence.

Killer robots carrying out a genocide on humanity is nothing new, with films like I Robot, Alien, Chopping Mall, The Matrix, and others showing what the human race faces if it started developing robots with crazy advanced artificial intelligence which could be influenced to destroy all humans.

But the comparison made by a majority of those against the robot is of course the 1984 tech noir classic The Terminator, directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T-800 CSM-101 sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor who's son John leads the human resistance fighting against Skynet.

The name given to Elon's robot isn't Terminator or Hunter Killer or even X Æ A-12, a jab at his son's name, but rather it is named after the leader of the Autobots in the popular 1980s Transformers TV show, Optimus. 

Elon Musk has joked that Model-1 of the Optimus series of robots has been called Optimus Prime, in reference to the iconic Transformer's full title, but this is more of an inside gag rather than the first Optimus robot's actual product designation.

The Optimus line of robots is set to see a full release by 2030, though test markets will open up by 2027, and is projected to cost the average consumer in 2030 roughly $20,000 (£17,900).

The Optimus robot shown to crowds was seen watering plants, shaking hands, carrying boxes, lifting metal bars, and opening doors.

Though it is not known how long it will be before it starts carrying assault rifles and mini guns like the military robot endoskeletons made by Boston Dynamics for the US Army.

Despite Elon Musk being one of the many figures who called for AI to be heavily regulated to prevent a Terminator style Judgment Day, Musk has walked back on this commitment numerous times, with the unveiling of Optimus being the final straw according to Anti-AI groups.