Giorgia Meloni Wins Italian Elections

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The Far-Right Candidate Has Become The First Fascist Leader Of Italy Since 1922

The Italian media has announced that the Far-Right contender Giorgia Meloni has become the first female Prime Minister of Italy, as well as the first Fascist Prime Minister of Italy in 100 years.

The last person to hold such a title was Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, known by his title of Il Duce (Translated in English from Italian meaning: The Dictator), was Prime Minister of the then Kingdom of Italy and it's respective Italian Empire from 1922 until he was forced to flee Rome in 1943 after being captured and later saved by Nazi special forces led by Otto Skorzeny, after which he was made leader of the Italian Social Republic (A puppet state of Nazi Germany) between 1943 until he was executed by partisans on the 28th of April 1945.

It's ironic in the grand scheme of things, that Fascism started in Italy following the end of WWI, now the Italian people one of the ideology's biggest objectors.

Italy, now a republic and a longstanding member of the EU since 1958, is once again to be ruled by a Fascist government who's major selling point is blockading the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and it's former colony of Libya to deter illegal immigration from the North African nation to it's ex-colonial overlord.

Giorgia Meloni has also made it her mission to remove Italy from the EU, following in the footsteps of the United Kingdom who voted to leave in 2016 and officially left in 2021, raising alarm bells in Brussels as Italy is the Euro-Zone's third biggest economy and Europe's fourth largest food producer as of this March.

She's vowed to strip the LGBTQ+ community of their influence in Italy, stating during a speech in front of Spain's Francoist Vox Party: "Yes to the natural family, no to the LGBT lobby.

Yes to the natural sexual and gender identity, no to the drag queens and same-sex couples".

She went on to state during the same speech: "Yes to militarized police, no to Islamist violence.

Yes to secure borders, no to mass migration.

Yes to the Lira, no to the Euro.

Yes to Italian independence, no to the bureaucrats in Brussels".

Millions of Italians, who've objected to her nationalistic, Fascist, and homophobic policies have begun protesting the new regime in Italy in several major Italian cities.

She's also Pro-Putin, joining Hungary in demanding Brussels ends it's sanctions on Russia.

A point of view former German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has called: "A spit in the face to everything the EU stands for".

Despite the resurrection of nationalism and Fascism in Europe in countries like Croatia, Russia, Germany, France, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Spain, and now Italy.

The EU has repeatedly stated that: "Since the war in Ukraine began in February, Europe has been more united than ever", despite a new Far-Right nationalist bloc forming on both sides of the old Iron Curtain.