Germany: Teenager Crashes Car Into Sewage Pool

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Teenager crashes parents' car into sewage pool during police chase, causing injuries and facility damage.

A teenager crashed his parents' car into a sewage wastewater treatment pool in the northern Bavarian town of Bamberg after attempting to flee from the police.

The 15-year-old driver had two 16-year-old passengers in the car with him when a police patrol car sought to carry out a routine check in Bamberg city center, according to a report from state broadcaster Bayerische Rundfunk.

Upon noticing the police's intent to stop them, the driver reportedly accelerated, leading the vehicle to quickly collide with a guardrail. The driver then lost control of the car at the junction with the B26 highway.

Subsequently, the car crashed through the gate of a sewage treatment plant and ended up in a wastewater pool, where it eventually sank.

Fortunately, all three occupants managed to escape the vehicle. The driver and one of the passengers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries, while the third passenger was unhurt.

However, the crash resulted in significant damage to the sewage treatment facility. "The damage to the sewage treatment plant cannot yet be estimated, but it is likely to be considerable," police noted in their report.

As a result of the incident, the teenage driver is now facing several criminal charges. In addition to fleeing from the police, he had taken his parents' car without their permission and was driving without a license.