Israeli Army Announces Rescue of Hamas Hostage from Gaza

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The Israeli military has announced that its forces successfully rescued another Israeli hostage in southern Gaza following a "complex operation."

According to a Reuters report, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Tuesday that it had successfully conducted a joint operation with intelligence services to rescue an Israeli citizen who had been among the many people abducted in Hamas' attack on October 7. The military confirmed that Kaid Alkadi, a 52-year-old Israeli Bedouin, was being held by the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas and was brought to safety through a "complex operation" in the southern Gaza Strip.

The IDF stated that Alkadi was in stable medical condition and was being transferred to a hospital for further medical checks. The military also noted that Alkadi's family had been updated with the details of his rescue and that the IDF was accompanying them.

For reasons related to the safety of hostages, the security of military operations, and national security, further details could not be disclosed. Alkadi, who is part of Israel's Arab Bedouin minority, was working as a guard at a packing factory when the farming community of Kibbutz Magen was attacked. He is married to two wives and has 11 children.