Reporters Without Borders Chief Christophe Deloire Dies of Cancer at Age 53

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Christophe Deloire led the Paris-based press freedom group for over a decade. The former newspaper and TV reporter received praise for his advocacy in defending freedom of information and promoting democratic debate.

Christophe Deloire, the director-general of the press freedom group Reporters Without Borders (RSF), passed away from cancer at the age of 53, as announced by the organization on Saturday.

The former newspaper and TV reporter had been at the helm of the media watchdog since 2012, overseeing its efforts to defend journalism globally.

"The team at Reporters Without Borders’ international secretariat ... are deeply saddened to announce the death of Christophe Deloire, secretary-general of Reporters Without Borders International and director-general of Reporters Without Borders, following a battle with cancer," a statement from the group conveyed.

RSF praised Deloire for his transformative leadership, describing him as an unwavering advocate for press freedom, independence, and pluralism of journalism worldwide.

"Journalism was his life's struggle, which he fought with unshakeable conviction," the statement continued.

French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to Deloire, highlighting his dedication to journalism and defense of freedom of information.

Stella Assange, the wife of Julian Assange, expressed her sorrow over Deloire's passing and thanked him for his commitment to freeing her husband.

RSF, founded in 1985, has been a staunch defender of press freedom, often challenging autocratic regimes and publishing an annual press freedom index.

Despite facing backlash, RSF continues to advocate for media autonomy and has launched initiatives like the Svoboda Satellite project to promote independent journalism in countries with repressive regimes.