DR Congo Soldiers Sentenced to Death for Cowardice in Battle Against M23 Rebels

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The inability of the army and its supporting forces to stop the progression of the M23 rebels has sparked suspicion that the security forces may have been infiltrated.

In the war-torn eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a military court issued a death sentence to eight soldiers, among them five officers, for desertion and cowardice during combat with M23 rebels.

Prosecutors had originally sought the death penalty for 11 soldiers, but the Goma court acquitted three, stating that the charges were not proven.

The soldiers were engaged in combat against the Tutsi-led M23 rebels, who resumed fighting in late 2021, gaining control over large parts of North Kivu province.

One of the officers' lawyers, Alexis Olenga, argued that they did not flee from the enemy or abandon their positions, but rather acted courageously.

Olenga mentioned that the soldiers were stationed at Lushangi-Cafe, a federal army position near the strategic town of Sake, which is 20 kilometers (12 miles) away from North Kivu's capital, Goma.

These sentences mark the first instances of capital punishment since authorities decided on March 13 to lift a suspension on executions that had been in place since 2003.

"We will appeal," stated Jean-Richard Buino, a lawyer representing Colonel Patient Mushengezi Shamamba, who was convicted.

The inability of the army and its allies to stop the advancement of the M23 rebels has led to suspicions that the security forces may have been infiltrated.

Several military personnel, along with members of parliament, senators, and business leaders, have been arrested and charged with "complicity with the enemy."

Over the past two decades, death sentences have been issued in the DRC, particularly in cases involving the military or armed groups, but they have consistently been converted to life imprisonment.

Human rights organizations and the Catholic Church have urged the government to abolish capital punishment for all crimes.