Tall People Demand Longer Clothes

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As The World's Population Gets Taller, Clothes Have Yet To Be Made To Accommodate Their Height.

Taller members of the human population are calling for longer clothes be made for them, as it's hard to find the right sized t-shirts, jackets, and jeans in the shops and online.

Many have argued that since obese people and the disabled have clothes made with them in mind, that the same be applied for them.

The average height of humans is 5ft 9” as of 2020, but due to genetics people have cropped up who're taller than 6ft.

I myself am 6ft 10”, only three inches shorter than Shaquille O'Neil and six inches taller than Michael Jordan, and it's a chore buying cloths due to the lack of length available at major retailers.

I often come across a pair of jeans that have the right waist size, but the length is too short.

Or when picking out jackets the sleeves are too short, or it doesn't extend past my waist.

It's infuriating that I cannot find the clothes that fit me, and it's the same among the taller inhabitants of society.

Tallmans: A department store franchise in the Untied States and Canada dedicated to supplying the tall with their wears, has announced they'll be expanding their operations to the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, and Ireland to cater to the large demand for longer clothing.

So hopefully I and other tall individuals will not have to wear odd fitting jeans or override t-shirts no more, and could soon be able to get clothes made by tall people for tall people.